Member-only story
In Praise of Red-Haired Women

Women with red hair possess a special kind of beauty. I did not really notice this until adulthood. Generally, red hair was seen as unattractive in my school days, especially in males. Even in girls though, the other boys never seemed to chase them the way they chased the other girls on the playground.
As a young adult, I suddenly noticed their unique beauty. I was a short-order cook at a restaurant. There was a red-haired waitress there. To be honest, she seemed quite unattractive the first time I met her.
She had a kind of lumpy, dumpy figure. The waitress’s uniform did not flatter her curves in any way. She had bad feet and wore orthopedic shoes despite only being in her early twenties.
Her name was Debi. I do not recall her last name. It was a common name like Jones or something white bread like that. However, I started to look forward to seeing her smiling face across the bar between the grill and the counter.
She had so many freckles, you could barely see any white skin on her face. Her hair was a bright red with bushy eyebrows to match. Debi had very long thick eyelashes too. Their redness was transformed into some ethereal translucence curving away from her eyelids. Beneath her thick eyelashes were green eyes. They were bright green with odd golden haloes around her pupils.