I give some good advice in that book too, so thanks for the plug. On the gold standard, I don't think I took a position. Frankly, if at the time I had been smart enough to stack up some gold ducats, I would have been pretty upset with FDR. That is probably why there was a failed coup against his presidency. However, if I was one of the many people suffering during the Depression from the excesses of the previous decade(s), well I guess, FDR is a hero. It is all POV. The point of the essay was to provide historical perspective. I wanted to remind people there are precedents and these times are not SO unprecedented. Time goes by and things change but greed and corruptions of power remain. Maybe today there are some crypto allies who will prevent the resurrection of FDR. https://medium.com/the-capital/rollerball-cryptocurrency-hypothesis-78e85e43561f In any case, place your bets my friends and pray for a favorable flop.