Member-only story
Hillary Endorses Tulsi!

I am out of the closet. I have been giving money to a Democratic candidate! Her name is Tulsi Gabbard. She is a veteran of deployments in our country’s “Forever War”. She has come back to tell us the truth. The truth of how we were goaded into war on false pretenses. When you get shot at for lies, it is hard to be silent…IF you survive the deployment. However, IF YOU survive, you are duty bound to warn your fellow brothers and sisters. That is why she is fearless in her resolve. She has already been shot at for lies.
There is no greater threat to the nation than the corruption in the Defense Department. In 2015, the Army declared over six trillion in unsupported journal transactions on a 120 billion dollar budget! Yep, those numbers are correct. Imagine what we could do with six trillion. Go to the moon, no problem. Go to Mars, no problem. Pay down student loan debt, no problem…pay for a reasonable healthcare system here…yep…no problem!
Tulsi is telling the truth, because she got shot at for lies. She has my VOTE! SHE HAS MY MONEY.
AND NOW She has Hillary’s endorsement!